Handwriting: stephanie rausser

Pet Smart

The pet industry is a $103 billion dollar industry and what’s a better time to buy your pet a treat or toy, but during the holidays?

PetSmart wanted to photograph in LA because of the wider selection of pet trainers. We covered off pets enjoying Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with "their" owners. I had hoped to find pet owners with their own pets to get that comfort and familiarity but that was harder to make happen than it sounds.

I was brought on board after a Stride Rite project I had shot with the Adamo, the AD. I loved working with him because he has a great sense of humor and is open to letting me try ideas that came about while shooting.

Some of the best shots were the dogs doing tricks. The cats were in a world unto their own and a bit harder to art direct.

It was only a one day shoot but I wish it was 3. Pets are almost as much fun as photographing kids.

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